What Should I Know About Termite Behavior?

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Termites are considered to be one of the most destructive pests in Malaysia, with damages that can make any property owner cringe. Termites can destroy your property by eating away at the wood in your home, causing it to crumble and fall apart from the inside out.

Therefore, without a termite prevention service, you can expect to deal with a whole load of trouble.

They are also a huge menace in other parts of the world and can eat away at buildings without anyone even noticing. This article will discuss what you should know about termite behavior so that you can protect your home!

Termites Love to Eat Anything Will Cellulose

One thing you should know about termites is that they’re crazy about cellulose. Whether it’s cardboard, plywood, trees, shrubs, hard wood, wooden furniture, or even books, it’s all fair game. Termites will eat anything that contains cellulose and they’ll usually start in the most hidden parts of your property where you can’t see them as easily.

Termites only eat cellulose and nothing else because termites cannot digest other materials. They have bacteria inside their gut that only breaks down cellulose fiber and that’s what they need to survive.

With this in the line, you can clearly see termites pose a huge threat to residential, commercial, and industrial settings because of their appetite for wooden foundations.

You Can Expect Termites to Fly During Mating Season

Another thing you should know about termites is that they’re able to fly during mating season. They don’t do it often, just when the need arises like to find a mate or reproduce an offspring, and then set out to make their own colonies.

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Termites may develop wings and lose it once they have successfully found a mate. Now, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be on the lookout for flying termites because if you spot one (or more), there’s bound to be many close by!

Termites Can Reproduce In an Alarming Rate

One thing that you should know about termites is how quick they can reproduce. They’re considered to be one of the fastest breeding insects on Earth and this has an impact on their ability to tear down buildings quickly.

The average lifespan for a queen termite is 25 to 50 years. These queen termites can produce 25 eggs in a minute and 30,000 eggs in a day.

Termites are able to reproduce at an alarming rate because of the queen’s ability to lay thousands of eggs with no assistance from the worker termites. The queen can lay eggs until she dies, which is why you should be extra cautious when it comes to protecting your property!

Moisture Attracts Termites

If you’ve got leaks, pet water bowls, leaks or high humidity levels, then you’re going to attract termites. All of these things can cause moisture and that’s an issue for any type of wooden material in your home. Moisture is a huge factor when it comes to attracting pests like ants as well because they’ll come close just looking for water!

Termites are drawn to wet areas because they cannot retain water. These little rascals need to constantly have a water supply in order to grow and develop. When they find a wet area where there’s high humidity, then it will attract them to the property like crazy!

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Termites Don’t Like The Heat

Lastly, you should know that termites don’t like the heat. If you place an infested furniture under the heat of the sun, you can expect termites to crawl out of the cracks and scurry away from the heat. This is because termites are attracted to cooler climates, so they’ll avoid a hot place at all costs!

If exposed to high heat, they will dry off and eventually die since their bodies don’t retain water.


At the end of the day, your home is one of your most valuable investments. As such, it’s important to know how best to protect it from termites and other pests that can wreak havoc on its structure.

If you have any questions about what should be done in order to make sure that your property remains safe for years to come, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We offer free quotes and consultations so you can decide if our services are right for you.